Senin, 02 September 2019

3 Dangers of Energy Drinks You Need to Know

Image result for minuman energi
3 Dangers of Energy Drinks You Need to Know - Hello Healthy Friend! Have you ever been in a condition where college assignments pile up, the boss in the office asked for work to be completed suddenly, or tomorrow you have to present in front of the client ? Well, maybe staying up late is a choice that must be lived in order to complete the pile of tasks. Well, staying up late would not be complete without being accompanied by an energy drink. But, do you know Healthy Friend what ingredients of energy drinks and what are the dangers? Check out this description, let's!

What does the energy drink contain?
There are various kinds of energy drinks sold on the market. Starting from instant coffee, carbonated drinks, to in the form of powder. But actually, what ingredients do they contain? Caffeine, glucose and taurine . Yep! The composition of energy drinks will not be the same from one brand to another, but each energy drink must contain at least 1 of the 3 ingredients.

According to a study from Tufts University , the combination of these three ingredients is known to increase concentration. In addition, energy drinks can improve short-term memory power, strengthen muscle performance and reduce soreness. Eits,  do not rush to decide to drink energy drinks! Bibalik benefits, of course there are some health risks that must be borne.

Risk of danger of energy drinks
This risk comes from an overdose of ingredients containing the drink, the health condition of the consumer, and a combination of both. The risks faced can be temporary and mild to very severe and lead to death. Check it out!

  • The heart stops suddenly

A heart that stops suddenly is the effect of an arrhythmia, a condition in which the heart beats too fast or too slowly. Caffeine is a substance that can make the heart beat faster so that it can trigger cardiac arrest. The risk of cardiac arrest in consuming energy drinks will increase if the person has a history of heart disease. The fatal risk of cardiac arrest is permanent paralysis and even death due to the cessation of blood supply to the brain, even if only for a few minutes.

  • Severe headache

For those who are accustomed to drinking energy drinks, stop taking it can cause symptoms of severe headaches. This headache usually only occurs in part of the head, like migraine. This pain is the body's reaction when someone who has been addicted to caffeine does not get caffeine intake. This pain effect is known as caffeine withdrawal symptom .

  • Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Aside from caffeine, high glucose content from energy drinks can cause adverse effects, one of which is type 2 diabetes. Consumption of excessive energy drinks can make the insulin hormone overwhelmed to transfer blood sugar into energy, so that high blood sugar levels become high.

It turns out that behind its benefits to increase energy, there are risks that must be faced yes Healthy Friends. Energy drinks may be consumed, but not to excess until addicted. In essence, do not be ignorant of health because they have to pursue the task and job targets. Live healthy and choose the right diet!

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